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Katie Cogan
Pastoral Counselor
Columbia, Maryland

Katie Cogan is a pastoral counselor who works with trauma and abuse victims. She has is involved with advocacy and counseling in the homeless population. She is certified in Critical Incident Stress Management and has been active in the field of crisis counseling. Her particular area of interest is spirituality and trauma. Katie has an MA in Spiritual and Pastoral Care from Loyola College of Maryland and is currently pursuing an MS in Pastoral Counseling Psychology. She is on the Loyola staff as a writing fellow and has recently had her work published in The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling. Katie lives in Columbia, Maryland with her husband and two teenage daughters.

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A Tiny Step Away from Deepest Faith by Marjorie Corbman
Marjorie Corbman is no ordinary teenager, and her memoir, A Tiny Step Away from Deepest Faith, is no ordinary story. In this remarkable account, the 17-year-old high school senior bridges the gap between adolescence and adulthood through a clear and vivid discovery of universal spirituality.

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