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The Cure for Spiritual Blindness
Take stock of your spiritual eyesight and, if, as I suspect, it's not as sharp as it ought to be, then you're probably having a hard time seeing the hand of God at work all around you. Distortion can give you a very warped perception in which everything looks dark and hopeless. You may have come to think that the world is a dreadful place, that nothing is good or beautiful, that life is nothing but disappointment and misery. That kind of spiritual blindness prevents you from seeing the positive side of things, the reality that no matter how things may seem, God is in charge. There are bright moments of love, caring, and compassion in which lives are being shaped and healed. It all depends on what you're looking for and what you choose to see. We can learn to reject the negative visions once God gives us new eyes to see.

All of us are invited and emboldened to ask that the presence and power of God may touch, heal, and restore our capacity to see things as they really are. Once we've done that, you can be sure that God will respond if we wait and watch with the eyes of faith. The bottom-line message is simple and clear. It can be summed up in one sentence: Whenever we step forward in faith, God is always there to meet us with power.

--from "Sight for Sore Eyes"
by the Rev. Dr. Robert Hansel

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