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Reflections for Your Journey compass rose

"I am confused. How can I get back to the truth?"
First, trust the confusion. Faith ought to be confusing, not because God is beyond reach, but because it is hard and confusing work to let go of old ways, to draw nearer to God, to commit to new ways of living, to enter more deeply into the life of a faith community, and to embrace values more deeply rooted in the Gospel than in popular culture. Remember the many times the people of God found themselves in clouds. Clarity will come.

Second, go easy on yourself. If you allow common sense to be your guide, you will learn to avoid extremes and unhealthy practices. Safe and healthy Christian practices take many forms.

Third, listen to your hesitation and skepticism. Listen also to your yearnings and your questions. Faith isn't a matter of rules or perfect practices. Faith is a journey of many stages, many companions, many questions, some blind alleys and, yes, probably some mistakes. The point is to keep moving toward God, with boldness and humility. A daily discipline of prayer and Bible reading (try reading a Psalm a day) will help you to remain on solid ground.

--Tom Ehrich
from "What Are You Asking: Pastor, Author and Speaker Tom Ehrich responds to your questions about God, faith and living spiritually"

What Are You Asking?

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