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The Seeds of Our Souls
As it is with the daffodil bulbs, so it is with our souls. Our
inner destiny has already been implanted in our souls. That destiny,
that calling, that purpose is contained in us just as the daffodil
is contained in the daffodil bulb. Each of us possesses a life
force within us, an energy, a spirit, that seeks to bring the seed
of ourselves to fruition. It pulses inside of us, trying to complete
who we are uniquely created to be....

There is an old Hasidic tale in which a Jewish rabbi says: "When
you die and go to heaven and meet your Maker, your Maker is not
going to ask you why didn't you discover the cure for such and
such? Why weren't you a leader? Why weren't you successful? Why
didn't you become more? The only question that will be asked of
you is, why didn't you become you? Why didn't you stay true to
yourself? Why didn't you feel good about yourself? Why did you
pretend to be something or someone you weren't? Why weren't you
proud of who I made you to be? Why didn't you ever get to know who
you were supposed to be? Why didn't you listen to Me with your
soul? Why were you afraid to step out? Why didn't you become you?"

--from the sermon "Lessons Learned in a Garden"
by The Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems

Read the sermon in its entirety.



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