Monday, July 28
The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never fail.
—Isaiah 58:11
Imagine if our lives were like the watered garden. If our soul was as carefree in the hand of heaven as flowers are in the dance of the sun. Much of the arid and parched feeling that overtakes and even overcomes us at times comes because we are trying to be something other than what we are, or trying to manipulate and control our circumstances, or insisting that we are the only ones responsible for our lives.
We stress and strain to be in control of our lives and sadly find ourselves feeling, not like a watered garden, but like dry, fissured cracks of dirt in a desolate desert.
Try being as carefree as a flower for a day, opening yourself completely to God’s endless flow of grace. Let the hand of heaven mold and shape you, warm and nourish you. Watch yourself relax and drink in the love that quenches all thirst.
O God, help me let go of my life for just a day, to become a flower in the sun.
The Signposts for July are written by Renée Miller and originally appeared on in 2004.