Monday, June 8
For we are aliens and transients before you, as were all our ancestors.
—1 Chronicles 29:15a
Rather than
the sojourner's existence fraught with insecurity, where our future is as
capricious as sand in the desert wind, we would prefer stable soil.
Yet those sojourners who embrace insecurity see miracles every
day. They see with eyes that are fresh and
curious. They notice the new pattern of the shifting sand and are
excited by the sight. There is little chance of a wayfarer having
their eyes glaze over from ceaseless routine.
There may be uncertainty and questions about the future, but the alien, the stranger, the wayfarer and sojourner are present in the moment that is right before them. In that moment they have the possibility of seeing God.
Gracious God, when I clamor to grab onto my existence as if it were my purchased possession, let me open my soul and breathe the air of being present right now.