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Signposts: Daily Devotions

Written by Renée Miller

Thursday, May 6

Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.
—Matthew 7:7

It is one of the most frequently quoted of all passages from the Bible, and the one that we most often hope is true, at least the first seven words: "Ask, and it will be given you."

What can be more assuring than believing we will receive whatever we ask for? It seems like we have just won the sweepstakes of heaven and can go shopping there with abandon, choosing anything we want from the overstocked shelves. Unfortunately, this reduces prayer to nothing more than a medium of exchange, rather than the sharing of a deeply rewarding relationship.

We are unable to see all the nuances, subtle needs and shifting patterns of our lives. But the Holy One who created us in the tenderness of unconditional love not only sees those nuances, needs, and patterns, but is ready to care for them in ways more meaningful and lasting than we could ever imagine on our own.

God always has our best interest at heart. And yet, we are told to ask and seek and knock. Why? Because when we ask, we are expressing our desire to communicate with the Holy One. When we seek, we are showing our desire to find the Holy One. And when we knock, we are letting loose our longing to be in union with the Holy One. 

Prayer is our way of saying that we are willing to share in that rich relationship with the Holy One. And, always, when we ask it is given to us, when we seek we find, when we knock the door is opened.

O God, in the unseen pockets of my spirit, I am hungry for you. Let me feast on the food of your love.

These Signposts originally appeared on explorefaith in 2004.